New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday
There are over 110,000 new records available to search this Findmypast Friday, including:
Dublin City Ordnance Survey Map 1847
Explore 33 fascinating Ordinance Survey maps covering Dublin at the height of the Great Famine. This large-scale government map, broken up into numerous sheets, displays the locations of all the streets, buildings, gardens, lanes, barracks, hospitals, churches and landmarks throughout the city. You can even see illustrations of the trees in St Steven’s Green.
The rich detail captured by these maps gives you a clear idea of what Dublin looked like in 1847. You can see the contrast between the densely populated working class areas and the spacious wealthy homes of the upper classes. Many the buildings recorded by the map have either changed purpose or have been demolished completely over the last 100 years. For example, the Royal Dublin Society House is now Leinster House, the seat of Oireachtas Eireann.
Ireland, Maps and Surveys 1558-1610
Delve through 68 beautifully illustrated early Irish maps digitised in full colour from the National Archives series State Papers Ireland. These maps were created during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I and assisted the English in the plantation of Ireland – a time when the English crown confiscated Irish lands and redistributed them to English planters or settlers. Most of the land confiscated had previously belonged to Gaelic leaders in Munster and Ulster.
The maps are beautifully decorated and were used to inform the settlers of the locations of rivers, bogs, fortifications, harbours, etc. In some illustrations, you will find drawings of wildlife and even sea monsters. Around the harbours, the cartographers took the time to draw meticulously detailed ships with cannons and sailors. Many of the maps also detailed the names of the numerous Gaelic clans and the lands they owned, for example, O’Hanlan in Armagh, O’Neill in Tyrone, O’Connor in Roscommon, etc.
Wiltshire Wills and Probate Index 1530-1881
Explore more than 130,000 Wiltshire Wills and Probate records in this free index. Each record consists of a transcript that will reveal your ancestor’s occupation, if they left a will and when they left it.
The original Wiltshire wills are held at the Wiltshire and Swindon Archive. The source link in the transcripts will bring you directly to their site where you can view their index and request an image. If you wish to view an image, you will have to contact Wiltshire Council and a small fee may be required for orders by post.
London Marriage Licences 1521-1869
Search thousands of London Marriage records spanning 348 years of the city’s history to determine whether your ancestor’s were married by licence. The records are presented in a Portable Document Format (PDF). You can search the whole text of the document with the full text option. This will allow you to search by name, parish, or even other facts such as occupation or father’s name. Records will typically reveal your ancestor’s occupation, marital status, father’s name, previous spouse’s name (if widowed) and corresponding details for their intended spouse.